

Grand Finale of Bruce Week Worthlessness

Ok, so I'm cheating a little. There are 2 dogs in this picture and neither are Bruce. the guy in the chair is. I thought it was a fitting finale. More themes to come, maybe....


Bruce Week - Day 6

Copy cats.
Bruce (and Greyson) belong to Erin.


Bruce Week - Day 5

(In the voice of yoda) - "Worthless, am I."

Holy cat bellies, batman!
This Bruce (and Murray) belong to Ashley Dryden.


Bruce Week - Day 4

Bruces come in cat form as well. Or maybe otter form. Or a cat in the form of an otter.
To see more of Bruce visit Arlette's photostream.


The week of Bruce - Day 3

Smiling while sleeping.

Asleep under the bed.
To see more of this Bruce visit silverfang29's photostream.


Bruce week - Day 2

(I particluarly love the eye all smashed against the recliner)
This Bruce belongs to Sean Donnell.


Worthless. Artsy, but still worthless.

This is Bruce. This is one of many Bruces you will see this week. It is Bruce week on the blog. Just because.


ONLY the Worthless would allow this to happen

Meet "Little P". Get your minds out of the gutter - P is short for Peter Parker. Duh.


Daisy sings the blues

OK, this is SO NOT worthless. But sometimes we have to have really great stuff to compare the worthless ones against just so you know how worthless they really are. Daisy has been in prior posts showing off her worthlessness. Now, Daisy will show off her singing abilities. For real. Enjoy.


The pinnacle of pathetic

Part chihuahua/dachshund and Gremlin.


He is so Worthless...

...he can't even manage to drag his lazy body onto the cushion right next to him to sleep.


Deep Doggy Doo-Doo

Cosmo ran away. Cosmo got caught. Cosmo's person was mad. Cosmo is Worthless.


I had no idea

I always thought cats were worthless in an "I'm-selfish,-leave-me-alone,-I-am-not- providing-affection" kind of way. I am happy to know they can also be worthless in the Worthless Animal File way.


Dog or slug?

And that is a reindeer costume.


The famous Worthless Window Move

Every dog has this move in their repertoire - this one is complete with flapping lips.


Wild and Worthless

Here are a couple of examples from the Albuquerque zoo. They clearly don't feel the need to do their jobs of entertaining visitors.


Worthlessness in action

FYI - this dog is completely capable of getting on the bed all by herself. But if she sees me on the bed she will whine until I, or someone else, picks her up. This is the most pathetic whining, whimpering cry ever.


Center of attention

I guess her bed wasn't quite comfy enough.



Wag Bag

He acts so desperate for love. Does anyone out there believe that he is deprived? In this video you will witness an obvious reaction when Burt hears his name.


If they are worthless at the store they WILL be worthless when you get them home.



Worthless seedling

They start out as worthless little seeds. And grow up to big worthless creatures. Heed this warning - if they are worthless when they are little they will be worthless when they are big. It's in the genes.


At least he has an excuse

Poor Micah had a little tooth surgery on this day so he was a little drugged up. At least he had an excuse for this pathetic face. But he, too, is worthless, watch for future posts of Micah.


Ahhhhhhh. Bath time.

She wishes she could come in the tub with her dad. She will have to settle for waiting on the sidelines. Clearly she doesn't mind.

Worthlessness in the wild?!

You betcha. How about finding some shelter? I guess they wanted to lay around and look really adorable instead. This was taken outside my window of the office building I was working in that day. For some reason, it makes them seem even more worthless that they were laying around outside a big brick building instead of lazing around in the woods somewhere. Play a little Where's Waldo and see how many you can find.

Deer revealed.